A Curious Dork

My random thoughts on life


  • Myths and Misconceptions

    Remember when your parents told you that if you swallow your gum, it would be forever stuck in your digestive system? Or being taught in school that your tongue has certain areas for tasting sweet things and another area for tasting bitter things? Both of these are false. The tongue mapping is actually printed in… Continue reading

  • Truth

    Truth seems to be the common theme to this blog. It’s important to me that I know the truth and that others know it. It’s what most people base their decisions on. Truth matters. But truth is often hard to get to. Sometimes it’s clear as day, but most of the time you need to… Continue reading

  • Echo Chamber

    Do you have a strong opinion on something but various people disagree with you? Now imagine yourself in a large empty factory with high ceilings and you yell, “You’re right!”. Immediately you hear feedback, “You’re right!”, “You’re right!”, “You’re right!”. Disregarding the annoying sound of your own voice, it feels pretty good to hear, “you’re… Continue reading

  • Judgment

    For most of my life I did not consider myself to be a judgmental person. It turns out, I have been very judgmental. I did not figure this out myself. It took someone else to make the observation and call me out on it. Judgmental – characterized by a tendency to judge harshly Merriam-Webster To… Continue reading

  • Ten and Two

    Drive with your left hand at ten and your right hand at two on the steering wheel. This is what I was taught as I was studying for my driver’s test roughly eighteen years ago. Ever since then that’s how I’ve been driving and what I’ve been instructing and reminding people to do. It turns… Continue reading

  • Stupidity

    I recently got into a short-lived argument about people from the south. The topic of conversation was the COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and lack of mask wearing. Part of the reason the argument didn’t last very long is because it was 2 vs. 1. I was alone. The other reason was because I had just met… Continue reading

  • Question Everything

    Do you have someone in your life who always speaks with confidence no matter what topic they happen to be discussing? Maybe it’s a parent. Or your significant other. A friend. Someone you look up to or admire. A person you look to for advice because what they say always seems clear and understandable. Maybe… Continue reading

  • Booger

    Lovely title for a blog, I know! Booger, more properly known as dried nasal mucus, OR as Ronald Weasley would call it, bogey. When you were a kid, did you ever ask your parents where these nasty things came from? I did! Here’s what I recall them telling me: boogers are discarded brain matter, i.e.… Continue reading