A Curious Dork

My random thoughts on life


  • Life Savings

    $1,000,000. One million dollars. That’s a one with six zeroes after it. A quick internet search may tell you will need about one million dollars to retire comfortably. I’d say that’s a good conservative target, but the actual answer for you is probably much different. One million is likely out of reach for many. For… Continue reading

  • Investing

    Throughout my life until my mid-thirties, I thought investing and setting up retirement accounts was difficult. I thought investing was too risky for the average person and should be left to the experts. Well, in fact this used to be true. Buying stocks and bonds in the past used to be a lot more difficult.… Continue reading

  • Frugal Living

    I can’t speak for all people who follow a frugal lifestyle, but I imagine we all share pretty similar outlooks on life, at least in terms of spending and saving. We’re maximizers. We don’t like waste. We have a long-term outlook and usually have specific goals. Those who have adopted a frugal lifestyle probably realize… Continue reading

  • Bulls and Bears

    As I do every year, I added $6000 to my IRA at the very beginning of January and invested it in a total stock market index fund (VTSAX). Then the market crashed. Three months later, the value of my purchase went down to about $4800. I haven’t actually lost any money since I still have… Continue reading

  • Cryptocurrency

    Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you are likely aware of the several new types of currencies, collectively called cryptocurrency. Similar to the U.S. dollar which is fiat money, cryptocurrency has no value by itself. They only have value because people believe it has value and agree to use it for the exchange of… Continue reading

  • Money and Investing

    Sometimes referred to as the root of all evil. Money. A currency we use to buy things we need or want. The most obvious way to obtain it is to work. We do a job and get paid. In fact that’s the way most people obtain money. There are other ways to obtain it. For… Continue reading